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Jun 08, 2021
2 min read

Music Player Bot

My personal portfolio website built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and SolidJs.

This is a Telegram-based music player Userbot & Bot project. You can add music on demand for a group or channel, and play a live stream when no music is requested. It also includes repeat requests and personalized favorites. It has the following features:

  • Playlist, queue
  • Supports playing from YouTube live streams
  • Supports searching songs from YouTube
  • Supports playing from Telegram files
  • Starts broadcasting if there are no songs in the playlist
  • Automatically downloads the audio of the first two songs in the playlist to ensure smooth playback
  • Automatically restarts even if Heroku restarts
  • Supports using Bot to favorite songs
  • Supports one-click re-request

Technologies and libraries used:

  • Python
  • Pyrogram
  • pytgcalls
  • ffmpeg-python
  • youtube_dl
  • youtube_search
  • pytest, pytest-asyncio
  • Heroku

Music Player Bot Music Player Bot Music Player Bot